Hello everybody. I must apologize for the brief hiatus. My 91 year old father is in the hospital with end stage congestive heart failure. As I am his best friend, the power of attorney and advocate, my duties are now primarily without a doubt to my family.

Dad may be released into hospice care around Monday, God willing.
Patrice and I have had the honor to care for him on a daily basis for the last ten years. It has been quite a struggle, but a struggle for the person I love most dearly from the depths of my soul.

I don’t have enough space on this blog to tell you of all the wonderful things my father has done for us, and all the members of our shrinking family. Patrice, Kim, my brother Pete, and my sister Donna. I cannot thank you enough for all your kind support and prayers.

I will do my best as far as my family is concerned. God bless each and every one of you.

KOTJ’S! Hope to be back with you as soon as possible.

Sincerely Yours,


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